18 Weeks

Oh, baby. I can't believe we are at the 18 week mark already. That feels real. Like this is really happening. Sometimes I can't believe that it is—that it's our turn. We are so overjoyed and talk about you constantly. Your daddy is especially excited. He tells everyone he meets. That hurts my heart, but in a good way.

Sometimes I still wonder if you're really in there, even though my belly is blooming and I'm starting to feel tiny nudges here and there. They're faint enough that I'm never totally sure if it's you, but I like the idea that we're starting to communicate a little. I hope I start feeling you move more soon. I can't get enough!

I've been nesting like crazy for over a month. I don't know if that's normal so early on, but I've been on a rampage. I'm so glad to be out of the "feeling so crappy" stage of the first few months that I'm tackling everything that comes into my mind. Purging, sorting, organizing, selling, planning, buying and more and more. There are a lot of changes on the horizon for our little apartment!

In two weeks we get to see you dancing around on the big screen, which means we'll be HALFWAY (how?!), and we get to find out if you're a little boy or girl. I'm so freaking curious! I waffle all day long. No matter which it is, I'm going to be so surprised and so out-of-my-mind happy. We already have names picked out and I'm pretty sure we'll know exactly who you are as soon as we hear from the midwife.

We love you so much, little one. Keep growing big and strong.